
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Datura - But What Kind?

My husband found this hanging on a bush by the roadside. We have figured out that it is probably in the Datura Family... However, we don't know which Datura it is.

It opened itself up while sitting on my shelf and started spitting out these large dark, brown/green seeds.

We have read that Daturas are poisonous. Judging by its looks, no doubt!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mourning Dove Nest

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Terrific Tabletop Garden

A Terrific Tabletop Garden

Hey all of you San Diego gardeners with back trouble! You, too, can still garden with this great idea from Mother Earth News.

Even if you do not have back pain, this idea is worth considering for anyone who does not have plentiful ground space to work with.

Don't have an old workbench? Check out Craigslist for old throwaway items!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Honey Bees Making a Comeback? - San Diego

A swarm of honeybees hit our backyard today!

Our organic garden is going to love it if these bees decide to stick around and make a hive...

Bees swarm when a group leaves the main hive and sets off to create a new one.

There is usually no need for alarm, bees are usually not agressive during this stage of their lifecycle.

They create a huge ball of bees which is a small pitstop while scouts go looking for a good hive location.

We have seen 2 swarms in 2 days. Hopefully this is a sign that honeybees are making a comeback!

Read more about swarming:

What is happening to honey bee research?



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